Are you wondering…
1) What’s all the hype about TikTok?
2) Should I even be on TikTok?
3) How do I get started on TikTok?
Well, we’re super excited to announce that Melissa Laurie will be hosting The Ultimate TikTok Masterclass and will answer all these questions, plus more!
With TikTok hitting 1 billion monthly active users (years earlier than Facebook or Instagram reaching that milestone!), you’ll see why smart brands are prioritising TikTok now.
Melissa Laurie
Certified TikTok Marketing Expert & Founder, Laurie Strategy Group
Melissa is the founder of Laurie Strategy Group and a certified TikTok Marketing Expert – she helps brands grow on TikTok by developing their TikTok content strategy, video content and ads.
Key Takeaways
1) Why TikTok for your brand
2) How to launch your brand on TikTok
3) What makes a viral TikTok video (and how you can do the same!)
4) How you can sell on TikTok
5) TikTok best practices (big do’s & don’ts!)