Are you stressed about money in your business? You don’t have to be. Do you know how much cash you need in your business? What are your financing options? Are you using your personal funds or credit card to fund your business (and why you should stop)? Can you get investment and how do you go about it? These are just some of the questions we will tackle in this panel discussion. Poor cash flow management is the number one reason small businesses close down, so if you are running a small business you need to know the key financial metrics and your financing options. Knowing your numbers and finance options gives you confidence and a good night’s sleep. Our panel includes Jan Young from Expat Consulting, Nicole Denholder from Next Chapter Raise and Rachel Hind from Best Capital Advisory to throw down everything you need to know about your business finance.
Jan Young
CEO, Expat Consulting
With her extensive expertise, Jan is skilled at successfully helping companies navigate a broad range of corporate functions, including accounting, financial management, taxation, audit, and financial communications. Since starting her career with Coopers & Lybrand, she has gained over 20 years’ global experience in both the private and public sector in the UK, Continental Europe, Australia and Asia, with comprehensive experience in Singapore. As a UK qualified Chartered Accountant, Jan is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England & Wales (ICAEW) and the Association of International Accountants (AIA). She is a member of the Start Up, Entrepreneur and Small Business Committee at the British Chamber of Commerce, Singapore also currently Honorary Treasurer of The British Club, Singapore.
Nicole Denholder
Founder, Next Chapter Raise and Co-founder, Sophia
Nicole’s 15-year career was spent working on US IPO and Transformation large-scale projects across Europe and Asia with PricewaterhouseCoopers before transitioning into entrepreneurship working with female founders.
Nicole founded Next Chapter Ventures, the first female focused rewards-crowdfunding platform in Asia and Australia. Building on the crowdfunding platform success, Nicole then founded Next Chapter Raise, a digital membership community for female entrepreneurs and women-owned businesses to help them get funded faster through different capital sources. Nicole is also the co-founder of Sophia, a financial education platform focused on tackling the gender wealth and investing gap through digital learning products targeting women.
Nicole has worked with hundreds of female founders and investor changemakers to understand and address the issues facing female entrepreneurs who are looking to fund and scale their businesses. Nicole was previously on the Board of the Women Entrepreneurs Network in Hong Kong and a member of the Australian Chamber of Commerce Women in Business Network’s Executive Committee. Nicole holds a Bachelor degree in International Business from Queensland University of Technology and recipient of Commonwealth Scholarship for International Studies at IKIP University, Indonesia.
Rachel Hind
Founder, Best Capital Advisory
Rachel has a deep network and experience across international markets along with a strong desire to help create collaborative communities for women and business owners across her specialist areas of accessing funding, personal and business finance, raising capital and real estate.
Rachel is a CEO & ex Senior Banker, qualified as a Lawyer & Accountant, with both experience working within Singapore’s start-up ecosystem and with Australian businesses. Since arriving in Singapore, Rachel has established her finance business, Best Capital Advisory focusing on helping SME’s access local bank (and non-bank) funding and grants to help businesses grow and scale.
Rachel is Board Adviser for one of Singapore’s largest crowdfunding charity platform ‘Ray of Hope’ and is a member of the Diversity Board for the NZ Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Australian Chamber of Commerce, Singapore & NZ Fintech Association. Rachel is also Treasurer of the UWC (Dover Campus) school.
Prior to relocating to Singapore, Rachel founded Best Capital in Australia in 2019, specialising in helping fintech’s, businesses and individuals secure international and domestic funding – both debt and equity.The formative years of her career were spent in investment & corporate banking (Barclay’s,
Lehman Brothers, Lloyds, ANZ) in specialist areas of sales, structuring, financial analysis, treasury/capital management and private wealth.